年度「2024年度シラバス」、フォルダ「2024年度シラバス - 豊橋校舎 - 短期大学部
Detail of syllabus is in the following.
Subject Name   ビジネスイングリッシュ  
Charge Teacher   ウィリアム ショーン ギブ  
Lectures target     Class   A  
Lecture Room   65E教室   Course Time   秋学期  
Day・Period   火2   Unit Classification    
科目種別   講義   Unit Count  
Matter of prepare    
テーマ Theme A course focusing on English appropriate for the Business World    
概要 Synopsis  An upper level English course developing the grammar and vocabulary necessary for effective communication in the business world. The course will focus on generalized business topics and situations rather than any specialized vocabulary for an individual business field.  
到達目標 Aim Students will work on developing English communication skills appropriate to the workplace, and in the process, gain exposure to international business customs and settings.  
授業形態 Class style The class will work in small groups and pairs, practicing common everyday business scenarios. Resources such as YouTube videos,various internet sites, and Moodle exercises will be used.  
使用言語 Language(s) 日本語と外国語 Japanese and foreign language(s)
アクティブ・ラーニングActive Learning  PBL(課題解決型学習) Project-based learning
ディスカッション、ディベート Discussion , Debate
グループワーク Group work
プレゼンテーション Presentation
内容・スケジュール Contents, schedule This class will use a variety of short videos and movie clips to study business in the modern world. In addition we will be doing short skits, pair work and games to help practice Business English.

Week 1: Introductions and familiarizing students with the Business English Moodle Page.
Week 2: Introduction Speeches
Week 3: Writing and responding to business email. Proper use of translation software will also be discussed.
Week 4: Group Presentation topics will be decided on by each group.
Week 5: Group Presentation practice, and fluency exercises.  
Week 6: Group Presentations will be given to the class.  
Week 7: Class Fluency and pronunciation practice.
Week 8: Vocabulary review, followed by a short test.
Week 9: Moodle work: The class will make a short video, promoting themselves for a job interview.
Week 10: Job interview role playing
Week 11: Discussion on Japanese Business Culture vs Western Business Culture.  Short video on same topic.
Week 12: Cultural differences, and misunderstandings.  How to resolve communication problems.
Week 13 : Game day, a fun exploration of the classic business game Monopoly.
Week 14 :  Review of material learned.
Week 15 : Final Exam, and course reflections.

Note: This schedule is provisional, and subject to change.  
準備学習・事後学習 Preparation, review   To prepare for class, students are expected to check the Moodle site, and review the material on it.  New words, and phrases should be noted, and practiced.  After each class, students are asked to focus on doing the assignment, and also going over the material that was taught in class. At least 1 hour for preparation before class, and 1 hour after class for review is expected.  
準備学習・事後学習の時間 準備学習2時間 事後学習2時間(2単位科目)
学外授業 Outside activities None  
成績評価の方法と基準 Evaluation&criteria Students will be assessed on the following criteria : Homework Quizzes on Moodle 20%, Presentations-20%,Class Participation-30%,Final Exam-30%.    
定期試験期間中の試験実施方法 Exam period 定期試験期間中には筆記試験を実施しない。No exams are required during the exam period.
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法 Feedback will be given on the Moodle page, with comments and suggestions for improvement, written in the Forum Assignments. In class feedback will be given in the moment, verbally.  
テキスト Textbooks No textbook is required.  
参考図書 References None  
リンク Link None  
Moodleへのリンク Moodle URL https://lms.aichi-u.ac.jp/2024/course/view.php?id=3219  
関連する科目、履修者への要望など Requests, etc Please come prepared to each class. That means reviewing the material covered in previous classes on the Business English Moodle page. Any question is ok, if you have a question don't hesitate to ask me.  You can ask in class, or you can email me at any time. English or Japanese is ok !  
学位授与方針(ディプロマ・ポリシー)と授業科目の関連 各授業科目は、各学部・学科・研究科の定める学位授与方針(ディプロマ・ポリシー)と教育課程の編成・実施方針(カリキュラム・ポリシー)に基づき、カリキュラム上に配置されています。学位授与方針と各授業科目との関連については、カリキュラム・マップに掲載されています。カリキュラム・マップでは、科目毎に到達目標を示し、それらの到達目標が、DPとCPに基づき設定された学習・教育目標、国際理解、地域理解・地域貢献のどの項目と関連するのかを示します。https://www.aichi-u.ac.jp/profile/concept#b-712470  
SDGsとの関連 Related SDGs