Subject Name
Charge Teacher
ウィリアム ショーン ギブ
Lectures target
Lecture Room
Course Time
Unit Classification
Unit Count
Matter of prepare
テーマ Theme
The theme of this course is communication and learning strategies. How to get your meaning across to someone, when English is not your first language can a challenge. Students will focus on a variety of strategies, and ideas for communication. How to learn a language is another challenge. People often get discouraged when learning a second language. This course will look at a variety of learning strategies, such as pair work, and doing fluency exercises. Another learning strategy, will be the appropriate use of technology, such as AI, and a variety of web sites.
概要 Synopsis
This course will focus on a fun, light learning environment with many opportunities for the students to speak in pairs, and also in class presentations. Moodle will be used for homework, and various assignments.
到達目標 Aim
The aim of this course is to increase English fluency, and overall confidence in the students. At the end of the course, it is hoped that students will have an increased interest in English and the ability to use English confidently in a variety of situations.
授業形態 Class style
Classes will use a mix of speaking exercises, and online(Moodle) exercises, to study. Pair work, presentations,skits and free conversation will be part of the class routine.
使用言語 Language(s)
日本語と外国語 Japanese and foreign language(s)
アクティブ・ラーニングActive Learning
ディスカッション、ディベート Discussion , Debate
グループワーク Group work
プレゼンテーション Presentation
内容・スケジュール Contents, schedule
Speaking skills classes will meet on Tuesdays. The class will be held in third and fourth periods. This will allow students time to explore in depth many of the topics that we will study. Contents of the class will be assigned on the Speaking Skills 1 Moodle web page. The course will start with general introductions, and then move on to a variety of topics. Each class will have a different topic.
1) The basics of a speech. Initially, students will do a self introduction speech. 2) Great Scientists : The people that changed the world. 3) The basics of a presentation. Students will choose a presentation topic in this class, based on a famous person. 4) Presentation preparation, and mini practice presentation on each student's topic. 5) How to use technology to learn a language. The class will look at the use of AI, and other internet resources. 6) Short review of classes findings on ESL technology and internet review. 7) Fluency exercises. The class will work on a variety of speaking drills in pairs to increase speaking speed and fluency. 8) Mindmaps : brainstorming ideas for a conversation in English 9) Midterm Quiz, and practice of Mindmap conversations. 10) Presentation Day: Students will give their presentations. Review of Midterm Quiz. 11) Common Social situations, and how to respond in English. Students will work in pairs, and practice conversations they have created using their mindmaps. 12) Skit day: Students will perform their skits based on their practice conversations. 13) Learning strategies: students will discuss their personal language learning strategies. 14) Games day: A variety of English word games, and popular board games. 15) Final Quiz and course reflections.
準備学習・事後学習 Preparation, review
To prepare for class, students are expected to check the Moodle site, and review the material on it. New words, and phrases should be noted, and practiced. After each class, students are asked to focus on doing the assignment, and also going over the material that was taught in class. At least 1 hour for preparation before class, and 1 hour after class for review is expected.
準備学習2時間 事後学習2時間(2単位科目)
学外授業 Outside activities
This class will be conducted in the assigned classroom.
成績評価の方法と基準 Evaluation&criteria
The course evaluation is based on Moodle quizzes (20%), and homework submitted on Moodle (20%). In addition there also be presentations (30%) given in the class. The remainder of the mark will be based on a midterm quiz(20%), and a final class score(10%). Class score is based on pair work, and overall participation in class.
定期試験期間中の試験実施方法 Exam period
定期試験期間中には筆記試験を実施しない。No exams are required during the exam period.
Feedback will be given on the Moodle page, with comments and suggestions written in the forums where the assignments are posted. In the classroom, feedback will be given in the moment, verbally.
テキスト Textbooks
There is no textbook for this course.
参考図書 References
リンク Link
Moodleへのリンク Moodle URL
関連する科目、履修者への要望など Requests, etc
Students in the class are requested to come to class with an open attitude, and to make a good effort. If there are questions, please don't be shy, feel free to ask anything ! 日本語 Ok !
SDGsとの関連 Related SDGs