Subject Name
Charge Teacher
杉本 貴代,ウィリアム ショーン ギブ
Lectures target
Lecture Room
Course Time
Unit Classification
Unit Count
Matter of prepare
テーマ Theme
Learning skills for communication in English.
概要 Synopsis
Further engagement with content through review, group work, leading to increased communicative competence.
到達目標 Aim
Continue to develop confidence in oneself as an English learner.
授業形態 Class style
Each week, students will further their understanding of the media content viewed on Tuesday. Tuesday work will focus on content on Moodle, such as videos, and various forums. Friday classes will involve discussing assignments, and group work. Students will repeat listening/watching short clips from movies or other media as necessary. In addition, they will work with classmates to deepen their understanding of the contents and experience sharing opinions in English.
使用言語 Language(s)
外国語(日本語以外)のみ Foreign language(s) other than Japanese
アクティブ・ラーニングActive Learning
PBL(課題解決型学習) Project-based learning
ディスカッション、ディベート Discussion , Debate
グループワーク Group work
プレゼンテーション Presentation
内容・スケジュール Contents, schedule
Class 1: Additional instruction on learning strategies. Create a self introduction profile to help classmates get to know each other. Class 2: Review Tuesday class contents. Focus on key vocabulary. Group work and short introduction presentations. Class 3: Speaking Fluency exercises. Speed and accurate pronunciation are stressed. Class 4: Focus on natural conversation strategies for everyday situations. Class 5: Review of class material to date. Class 6: Introduction to TedEd.(Educational ted talks) Class 7: Follow up on Ted talks. Students discuss and debate the Ted talk. Class 8: Further instruction on presentation skills. Short practice speech. Class 9: Speech and presentation class. Class 10: Review of class vocabulary and concepts to date. Class 11: Student generated conversational topics, using mind maps to brainstorm. Class 12: Students practice various conversations in small groups. Class 13: Review Tuesday class contents. Focus on key vocabulary. Group work to further understanding of media contents. Class 14: Preparation for presentation or short conversational skit. Class 15: Short presentations and skits.
準備学習・事後学習 Preparation, review
準備学習 Students are expected to be prepared by writing short written assignments or audio recording for the next class(1 hour). 事後学習 Reviewing material covered in the classroom and Moodle forums. (1 hour).
学外授業 Outside activities
No classes will be held off campus.
成績評価の方法と基準 Evaluation&criteria
Evaluation based on 平常点. Students will be evaluated on their active participation in class, their preparedness for activities, and output in the form of oral reports and presentations as follows: Moodle forum submissions and quizzes-25%, oral reports-25%, participation in group work 25%, final presentation 25%.
定期試験期間中の試験実施方法 Exam period
定期試験期間中には筆記試験を実施しない。No exams are required during the exam period.
Written feedback through Moodle forums, and in class feedback.
テキスト Textbooks
No textbook nor reference books are required. Course materials will be a variety of multi-media and worksheets.
参考図書 References
リンク Link
Moodleへのリンク Moodle URL
関連する科目、履修者への要望など Requests, etc
Students should attend each class and be on time. Students should also come prepared by having all their Moodle work completed before the class starts. Active engagement, such as note taking, and asking questions is required.