Subject Name
Charge Teacher
ローラ リー クサカ
Lectures target
Lecture Room
Course Time
Unit Classification
Unit Count
Matter of prepare
テーマ Theme
Learn about the history and culture of the United States of America.
概要 Synopsis
This course will focus on topics related to the United States of America and will be taught mainly in English. Students will learn about the history, diversity of regions, ethnic groups, and popular culture as well as serious social issues. Students will also be able to watch related videos or DVDs in the Language Center. Additional topics related to the U.S.A. found in the media will be also be introduced and it is hoped that students will actively search for further materials using the library or Internet. アメリカ合衆国に関する様々な課題を分かりやすい英語で講義があり、地理から始まり,歴史,民族,大衆文化の多様性を中心に学べる。英語の聞く力と解読力は最大限この授業で試される。
到達目標 Aim
Students will acquire basic knowledge about major historical events of United States of America as well as the diversity of peoples and regions.
授業形態 Class style
Level 1: Multimedia presentation format will be utilized in this lecture. 英語による講義で,マルチメディアプレゼンテーション方式で行なわれ、宿題は定期的に提出必要がある。
Level 2: テキストに基づくワークシートは毎回あり、場合によって動画鑑賞もあります。MoodleのForum に感想や意見を投稿することもある。
使用言語 Language(s)
日本語と外国語 Japanese and foreign language(s)
アクティブ・ラーニングActive Learning
ディスカッション、ディベート Discussion , Debate
内容・スケジュール Contents, schedule
Class 1 Explanation of course Class 2 Geography: East Coast, the South Class 3 Geography: Midwest, West Coast Class 4 Historical events: Pre-European contact Class 5 Hitorical events: Colonial life, War for Independence Class 6 Historical events: Western expansion, Civil War Class 7 Historical events: Global expansion, World Wars Class 8 People of the U.S. : Indigenous peoples Class 9 People of the U.S.: European Immigrants Class 10 People of the U.S.: Asian Immigrants Class 11 People of the U.S.: Who are Americans now? Class 12 Popular Culture of the U.S.: Films Class 13 Popular Culture of the U.S.: Music Class 14 Current social issues Class 15 Current political issues
準備学習・事後学習 Preparation, review
Students are required to complete reading and writing assignments before attending the lecture. They should use dictionary for new vocabulary. Internet resources will also be introduced and students should become familiar with them by using regularly.
準備学習3時間 事後学習1時間(2単位科目)
学外授業 Outside activities
成績評価の方法と基準 Evaluation&criteria
平常点。ワークシート(60%), レポート(40%).
定期試験期間中の試験実施方法 Exam period
定期試験期間中には筆記試験を実施しない。No exams are required during the exam period.
Short, written feedback on worksheets and report will be given.
テキスト Textbooks
「アメリカの歴史―テーマで読む多文化社会の夢と現実」 (有斐閣アルマ) 2002年出版 有賀 夏紀 (編集), 油井 大三郎 (編集)
参考図書 References
I will introduce supplementary materials in class if necessary.
リンク Link
Moodleへのリンク Moodle URL
関連する科目、履修者への要望など Requests, etc
Students are encouraged to watch TV news programs, read the newspaper, and seek information on the internet about topics related to the U.S. that are introduced in class. In addition, students are strongly urged to take other classes that will strengthen their overall English skills. 授業は英語で行われるため、英語関連授業の履修が望ましい。